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RE: Problems creating pdf file of tdg

I got rid of the 'term width' message by deleting it from lists.xml.

The 'no template matches' messages are:

prefaceinfo encountered, but no template matches.
pubdate encountered, but no template matches.
releaseinfo encountered, but no template matches.
alt encountered, but no template matches.
alt encountered, but no template matches.
alt encountered, but no template matches.
mediaobjectco encountered, but no template matches.

Line 607 is the last line of the file ch03.xml in current CVS:

Local Variables:
sgml-parent-document: ('book.sgm' 'chapter')

Is the "-->" used to insert a separate text file?!?!?

I have set 'use.extensions' to '1' in fo/param.xsl ('textinsert.extension'
was already set to '1').

Didn't work; got the following error instead ("No adjustColumnWidths
function available").

C:\TMP>saxon\saxon defguide\en\book.xml docbook-xsl-1.48\fo\docbook.xsl >

Making portrait pages on USletter paper (8.5inx11in)
prefaceinfo encountered, but no template matches.
pubdate encountered, but no template matches.
releaseinfo encountered, but no template matches.
No adjustColumnWidths function available.
Processing terminated by xsl:message at line 183

Does this mean that thare is no way to convert TDG to PDF format at moment?


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