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Customizing the role attribute

I´m trying to workout how to customize de role attribute for the
emphasis element.  First thing I would like to have
<emphasis role="bastardilla"> to render italics, and
<emphasis role="negrilla"> to render bold.

Then, perhaps having <emphasis> (with no role att.) to render
both bold and italics.  Other customization I want to achieve is
for having <emphasis role="color"> to render the especified

So far I´ve written this test.dsl file:

<!DOCTYPE style-sheet PUBLIC "-//James Clark//DTD DSSSL Style Sheet//EN" [
<!ENTITY docbook.dsl PUBLIC "-//Norman Walsh//DOCUMENT DocBook HTML Stylesheet//EN" CDATA DSSSL>

<style-specification use="docbook">

;; crear ´role´s "bastardilla" y "negrilla"
;; tb crear uno para ambas

(element emphasis
  (if (equal? (attribute-string "role") "negrilla")
              (make sequence
	        font-weight: 'bold
  (if (equal? (attribute-string "role") "bastardilla")
              (make sequence
	        font-posture: 'italic
              (make sequence
	        font-posture: 'italic

<external-specification id="docbook" document="docbook.dsl">

and run the following command line:

$ openjade -c /usr/local/share/sgml/docbook/dsssl/modular/catalog /
-c /usr/local/share/sgml/docbook/catalog /
-c /usr/local/share/sgml/openjade/catalog /
-d test.dsl -t sgml article.sgml

but I get no format at all.  Could you help me to understand how
to write stylesheets?

Thank You,

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