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Re: [Frederik Fouvry <>] A DocBook problem

| Is there any reason for treating qandaset differently from chunking
| section elements?  We have made ID elements compulsory for chunk
| elements, since some people were violently opposed against the names
| generated by the style sheets.  To keep a fairly large FAQ manageable
| in HTML, I changed qandadiv and qandaset into chunking elements as
| well, and I then found that it is not possible to enforce an id
| attribute without changing the docbook files (QandA is located before
| the redeclaration placeholder).  Hence the (admittedly somewhat
| inaccurate) question at the beginning of the paragraph ...

So, if I understand the question :-), what you're really asking is,
how can I make the ID on QandASet required? This ought to do it:

<!ENTITY % qandset.attlist "IGNORE">
<!ENTITY % docbook PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN">
		DefaultLabel	(qanda|number|none)       #IMPLIED


| And are language codes more or less free, or is the syntax of RFC1766
| recommended (Unix used pt_BR, RFC1766 says pt-BR)?  Just wondering if
| 'Docbook' had an opinion about it.

The documentation says "Lang should be a language code drawn
from ISO 639 (perhaps extended with a country code drawn from
ISO 3166, as en_US)."

Now, I have to admit, I'm disappointed to learn that RFC1766
says "-" while we say, at least implicitly, "_". Um. I suppose
you're free to choose either. The stylesheets best support both.

Given that RFCs are free (and hence easily available) and ISO
standards are expensive, I suppose I have a slight preference
for "-", myself.  And it's easier to type :-)


Norman Walsh <>      | I have often wondered why I [keep] | going...There [can] be no hope and
Member, DocBook Editorial Board    | no reward. I always recognized
                                   | that bitter truth. But I am a man,
                                   | and a man is responsible for
                                   | himself.--Sam Magruder (George
                                   | Gaylord Simpson)

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