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DAVENPORT: Re: Linux documentation

Peter Flynn <> writes:

|   I asked about this on c.t.s recently. They've suspended the project
|   for the moment (the prime mover was out of time) so I don't think
|   there is any development or further moves to use DocBook.

I'd like to disagre ;)

Since all(?) major Linux distributions do support DocBook more or less
out of the box, you'll see forthcoming documentation based on the
DocBook DTD, even if the LDP (Linux Documentation Project) will stay
with LinuxDoc...  I guess, writers will vote with their feets ;)

The Kernel Documentation doesn't use SGML at all (IIRC).  The XFree team
will use DocBook (they are looking for helping hands) and the GNOME
project already has some nice  documents.

                                             work   :
Karl Eichwalder                              private:

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