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Re: DAVENPORT: "Using a Split Document" with Emacs/PSGML

> I'm a beginner when it comes to emacs. I've always used vim before.
> I have started to use emacs/psgml to write sgml documents.

Always good it is to see someone the Dark Side forsaking :-)

> I need help on "Using a Split Document".
> "Using a Split Document" is a very important topic to easily browse=
> =20
> through big sgml sources.

Often this is done by the server. For example DynaWeb can serve 
massive SGML files but it automatically "chunks" the output into
easily digestible segments of HTML.

> The problem is that I am not skilled enough to get the=20
> sgml-parent-document feature of PSGML work, as described at:

I haven't used this either, I'll have to go and look at it.

> So concretely, I have a separate *.sgml file for each chapter=20
> of a book.
> How should I specify psgml which DTD to use, when editing one
> of those separate files ?

If the main doctype is 

   <!DOCTYPE BOOK PUBLIC "-//Davenport//DTD DocBook V3.0//EN">

then each chapter can start with

   <!DOCTYPE CHAPTER PUBLIC "-//Davenport//DTD DocBook V3.0//EN">

The only thing you have to do when you want to process them all
together is remove that line so the file starts <chapter>

> And here is my .emacs file:
>  '(sgml-parent-document (quote memoire\.sgml book chapter chapter) t)

I'll leave this until I've used it...


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