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Hello folks,

I've just being asked about the mixed content type problem which
disallows spaces between paragraph (and other) tags within table

From the DTD I read:

<!ENTITY % paracon '#PCDATA' -- default for use in entry content -->
<!ENTITY % tbl.entry.mdl        "(para|warning|caution|note|legend|%paracon;)*">
<!ELEMENT entry - O (%tbl.entry.mdl;) %tbl.entry.excep; >

Now I'm sort of lost.  When I try to explain the problem.  smth like

<entry><para>...</para> <para>...</para></entry>

should work to my understanding.  The element definition says repeat "one out 
of para, ..., #PCDATA".  What I wrote is "para, #PCDATA, para".

But this explanation must be wrong.  At least the parser says so.
Could someone tell me where I'm wrong?



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