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Re: DAVENPORT: Euro symbol

[Terry Allen]
> Well, I'd go for € myself.  I believe that it's Unicode 20A0,
> although the glyph at
> is not the one in use today.  Any Unicode specialists reading this?

U+20a0 was allocated when it was still the ECU or something.  I
believe that U+20ac was allocated after the Euro was announced.

See <URL: Euro>:

                          UTR #8:  The Unicode Standard, Version 2.1
   2.0 Euro Sign

   The new single currency for member countries of the European Monetary
   Union (EMU) is the euro. The euro character is encoded in the Unicode
   Standard as U+20AC EURO SIGN.
   To avoid confusion, the historical character U+20A0 EURO-CURRENCY SIGN
   has been updated with an informative note and a cross reference to  
   U+20AC EURO SIGN.                                                    
   The euro character is classified as Symbol, Currency (Sc) and has a
   bidirectional category of European Number Terminator (ET).              
   p 7-161. Currency symbols character names list                      
   Add the following informative note for character 20A0:              
   "Historical character derived from Xerox Character Code Standard"    
   Add the following cross reference for character 20A0:               
   "20AC euro sign"                                                      
   p 7-161. Add to the standard the following character:
   20AC [16][U20AC.gif] EURO SIGN
   Add the following informative note for 20AC:                          
   "Currency sign for the European Monetary Union"                       
   Add the following cross reference for 20AC:                          
   "20A0 euro-currency sign"                                             

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