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Re: customized headers and footers

Sylvan Ravinet <> writes:

> Well it does not work. Jade complains something I don't remember now but
> I'm gonna tell you soon.

That was absolutely a snippet from existing, working code.  I might
have missed a bit or made a wrong snip...  I'll include the whole
thing here, which is all of our house style -- some of this is Docbook
bugfixes; some is hackarounds, etc.

BTW, I don't claim to be getting aroudn the "one line in header"
limitation.  I'm just customizing a header....

.....Adam Di<URL:>

<!DOCTYPE style-sheet PUBLIC "-//James Clark//DTD DSSSL Style Sheet//EN" [
  <!-- $Id: docbook-onshore.dsl,v 1.19 1999/11/08 21:44:40 apharris Exp $ -->

     Copyright 1999, onShore Inc.  (

	This program is free software under the terms of the GNU
	General Public License (GPL). A copy of the GPL, "COPYING", should
	have been made available with this software.  If not, a copy may be
	obtained at

     onShore DocBook Stylesheet customizations

     This DSSSL file serves two functions:
       * uses onShore extended DTD for requirements environment
       * sets "house style" parameters

       Craig Brozefsky <>
       Adam Di Carlo <>


  <!ENTITY % html  "INCLUDE">
  <!ENTITY % print "IGNORE">

  <![ %print; [
    <!ENTITY % html "IGNORE">
    <!ENTITY docbook.dsl PUBLIC 
        "-//Norman Walsh//DOCUMENT DocBook Print Stylesheet//EN" CDATA DSSSL>

  <![ %html; [
    <!ENTITY % print "IGNORE">
     <!ENTITY docbook.dsl PUBLIC
        "-//Norman Walsh//DOCUMENT DocBook HTML Stylesheet//EN" CDATA DSSSL>

<style-specification id="html" use="docbook">

(declare-flow-object-class element
  "UNREGISTERED::James Clark//Flow Object Class::element")

; turn on section numbers
(define %section-autolabel% #t)
; of titlepages and TOCs
(define %generate-book-titlepage% #t)
(define %generate-part-titlepage% #f)
(define %generate-part-toc% #t)
(define %generate-article-toc% #t)
; HTML file naming
(define %html-ext% ".html")
(define %use-id-as-filename% #t)

;; cut-n-paste from Norm Walsh's html/dbhtml.dsl
(define (element-id #!optional (nd (current-node)))
  ;; IDs of TITLEs are the IDs of the PARENTs
  (let ((elem (if (equal? (gi nd)
                          (normalize "title"))
                  (parent nd)
    (if (attribute-string (normalize "id") elem)
        (attribute-string (normalize "id") elem)
        (generate-anchor elem))))

(define (generate-anchor #!optional (nd (current-node)))
  (string-append "AEN" (number->string (all-element-number nd))))
;; done cut-n-paste

(define ($requirement$)
  (let* ((p-label (literal (element-label (parent (current-node)) #t)))
	 (c-label (literal 
		   (format-number (child-number (current-node)) "1")))
	 (title (select-elements (children (current-node)) "TITLE"))
	 (has-title (not (node-list-empty? title)))
	 (r-title (if has-title 
		      (make sequence
			(with-mode xref-title-mode
			  (process-node-list (node-list-first title))))
		      (literal ""))))
    (make element gi: "BLOCKQUOTE"
	  attributes: (list
		       (list "CLASS" "REQUIREMENT"))
	  (make element gi: "B"
		(make element gi: "A"
		      attributes: (list (list "NAME" (element-id)))
		      (make sequence
			(literal "Requirement ")
			(literal ".")
			(literal ". ")

(define ($reqpara$)
  (let* ((title     (select-elements 
		     (children (parent (current-node))) "TITLE"))
	 (has-title (not (node-list-empty? title)))
	 (adm-title (if has-title 
			(make sequence
			  (with-mode xref-title-mode
			    (process-node-list (node-list-first title)))
			  (literal (gentext-label-title-sep 
				    (gi (parent (current-node))))))
			  (gi (parent (current-node))))
			  (gi (parent (current-node))))))))
    (make element gi: "P"
	  (if (= (child-number) 1)
	      (make element gi: "B"

(element requirement ($requirement$))
(element (requirement title) (empty-sosofo))

<style-specification id="print" use="docbook">

<!-- generally, we use the TeX backend, but you can use -V foo-backend -->
(define default-backend 'tex)

<!-- DSSSL for print output, i.e., TeX, RTF, MIF -->
(define %title-font-family% "Times New Roman")
(define %chapter-autolabel% #t)
(define %section-autolabel% #t)
(define %body-start-indent% 0pi) ; decreased
(define %block-start-indent% 
  ;; Extra start-indent for block-elements
(define %verbatim-size-factor% 
  ;; Verbatim font scaling factor
  1.0)	; same size as everything else
(define %line-spacing-factor% 
  ;; Factor used to calculate leading
  1.2)	; tightened up from default 1.3
(define %para-sep% 
  ;; Distance between paragraphs
  (* %bf-size% 0.9))	; increased
(define %block-sep% 
  ;; Distance between block-elements
 %para-sep%)	; same as paragraph
(define %head-before-factor% 
  ;; Factor used to calculate space above a title
  0.6)          ; from default of 0.75

;; seems to be a bug in jadetex -- we get a wierd indent
(define %cals-cell-before-column-margin% 
  (cond ((equal? (print-backend) 'tex)

;; deal with excessive indentation in lists and such
; we don't want $para-container$ in the following
(element varlistentry (process-children-trim))
(element glossentry  (process-children-trim))

; indent for qanda
(define %qanda-start-indent% 1em)

; space-after on quanda answer is excessive; keep with next should be
; upstream
(element question
  (let* ((chlist   (children (current-node)))
         (firstch  (node-list-first chlist))
         (restch   (node-list-rest chlist)))
    (make sequence
      (make paragraph
	space-after: (/ %para-sep% 2)
	keep-with-next?: #t
	start-indent: %qanda-start-indent%
	first-line-start-indent: (- %qanda-start-indent%)
        (make sequence
          font-weight: 'bold
          (literal (question-answer-label (current-node)) " "))
        (process-node-list (children firstch)))
      (process-node-list restch))))

; front space on lists drives me insane
(define ($list$)
  (make display-group
    start-indent: (if (INBLOCK?)
                      (+ %block-start-indent% (inherited-start-indent)))
    space-after:  (if (INLIST?) %para-sep% %block-sep%)))
;; hack
(element (itemizedlist listitem para)
  (if (first-sibling?)
      (make paragraph
        space-after: %para-sep%
        start-indent: (if (member (current-node) (outer-parent-list))

;; Returns the depth of auto TOC that should be made at the nd-level
(define (toc-depth nd)
  (if (string=? (gi nd) (normalize "book"))
      3					; default of 7 is too deep

(define ($requirement$)
  (let* ((p-label (literal (element-label (parent (current-node)) #t)))
	 (c-label (literal 
		   (format-number (child-number (current-node)) "1")))
	 (title (select-elements (children (current-node)) "TITLE"))
	 (has-title (not (node-list-empty? title)))
	 (r-title (if has-title 
		      (make sequence
			(with-mode xref-title-mode
			  (process-node-list (node-list-first title))))
		      (literal ""))))

    (make display-group
      space-before: %block-sep%
      space-after: %block-sep%
      (make paragraph
	font-family-name: %title-font-family%
	font-weight: 'bold
	space-before: %para-sep%
	space-after: %para-sep%
	keep-with-next?: #t
	(literal "Requirement: ")
	(literal ".")
	(literal " ")

(define ($admonpara$)
  (let* ((title     (select-elements 
		     (children (current-node)) "TITLE"))
	 (has-title (not (node-list-empty? title)))
	 (adm-title (if has-title 
			(make sequence
			  (with-mode xref-title-mode
			    (process-node-list (node-list-first title)))
			  (literal (gentext-label-title-sep 
				    (gi (parent (current-node))))))
			  (gi (parent (current-node))))
			  (gi (parent (current-node))))))))
    (make paragraph
      space-before: %para-sep%
      space-after: %para-sep%
      font-size: (- %bf-size% 1pt)
      font-weight: 'medium
      font-posture: 'upright
      font-family-name: %admon-font-family%
      line-spacing: (* (- %bf-size% 1pt) %line-spacing-factor%)
      start-indent: (+ (inherited-start-indent) (* (ILSTEP) 2))
      (if (= (child-number) 1)
	  (make sequence
	    font-family-name: %title-font-family%
	    font-weight: 'bold

(element requirement ($requirement$))
(element (requirement title) (empty-sosofo))

; use the date in the header
(define ($revision-header$)
  (let* ((revision-info (select-elements 
			 (children (select-elements
				    (children (sgml-root-element))
				    (normalize "bookinfo")))
			 (normalize "date")))
	 (has-revision (not (node-list-empty? revision-info))))
    (if has-revision
	(make sequence
	  font-posture: 'italic
	  (process-node-list (node-list-first revision-info)))

(define (page-inner-header gi)
   ((equal? (normalize gi) (normalize "dedication")) (empty-sosofo))
   ((equal? (normalize gi) (normalize "lot")) (empty-sosofo))
   ((equal? (normalize gi) (normalize "part")) (empty-sosofo))
   (else ($revision-header$))))

     <!-- QAndASet ..................................................... -->

      <!-- Default to labelling Q/A with Q: and A: -->

;; should be common to print and html
(define (qanda-defaultlabel)
  (normalize "qanda"))

<external-specification id="docbook" document="docbook.dsl">

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