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Re: db2html - how to control HTML file breaks

Le Lundi 24 Novembre 2003 23:40, Peter Toft a écrit :
> Hi guruz
> How can I control the file-breaks of my HTML output from
> db2html (using DocBook XML 4.2)?
> I want to have a new HTML-file for every chapter,
> not for every sect1 og sect2 Actually - I should extend my
> question; how can I get a new HTML-file for (and only)
> * every new chapter
> * every new sect1 or chapter
> * every new sect1, sect2 or chapter

Hi Peter, long time not hearing from you.

I think it's not really a tools problem, but a DSSSL stylesheets issue. 
Redefine the chunk-element list in your customized stylesheet.

(define (chunk-element-list)
  (list (normalize "preface")
        (normalize "chapter")
        (normalize "appendix")
        (normalize "article")
        (normalize "glossary")
        (normalize "bibliography")
        (normalize "index")
        (normalize "colophon")
        (normalize "setindex")
        (normalize "reference")
        (normalize "refentry")
        (normalize "part")
        (normalize "sect1")
        (normalize "section")
        (normalize "book") ;; just in case nothing else matches...
        (normalize "set")  ;; sets are definitely chunks...

Other relevant variables :

(define %root-filename% "index") ;; name for the root html file
(define %html-ext% ".html") ;; default extension for html output files
(define %html-prefix% "") ;; prefix for all filenames generated (except root)
(define %use-id-as-filename% #t) ;; uses ID value, if present, as filename
(define use-output-dir #f) ;; output in separate directory?
(define %output-dir% "HTML") ;; if output in directory, it's called HTML


Niemand ist mehr Sklave, wie der, der sich Frei wähnt, ohne es zu Sein.
Il n'est pas plus esclave que celui qui se croit libre à tort.
None are more enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.
  - Goethe

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