BUG: docbook2html --nochunks

Mark Whitis whitis@freelabs.com
Fri Dec 20 19:23:00 GMT 2002

If you tell docbook2html not to blow chunks, it writes the output
html document to standard out.   This is fine except for the fact
that it also outputs status messages to standard out (instead
of sending them to stderr where the belong).  So you end up
with an invalid document because the status messages are mixed in.

So, you get stuff like this:
   Using catalogs: /etc/sgml/sgml-docbook-4.0.cat
   Using stylesheet: /usr/share/sgml/docbook/utils-0.6/docbook-utils.dsl#html
   Working on: /home/whitis/docbook/sample.docbook

Mark Whitis   http://www.freelabs.com/~whitis/       NO SPAM
Author of many open source software packages.
Coauthor: Linux Programming Unleashed (1st Edition)

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