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RE: Where, what and how - The future of DocBook

Put this at the bottom of your XML files:

<!-- Keep this comment near the end of the file
Local variables:
mode: xml
sgml-declaration: "xhtml1.dcl"

Replace "xhtml1.dcl" with the pathname of the correct declaration, e.g.,

Kind regards
Peter Ring

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Johnson []
Sent: 6. december 2000 17:05
Subject: Re: Where, what and how - The future of DocBook


You might want to add that validation requires the XML declaration (xml.dcl
or xml.decl) rather than docbook.dcl.

In your .emacs you may have something like:

    (setq sgml-declaration "/usr/lib/sgml/declaration/docbook.dcl")

For XML I tried the following, but for some reason it doesn't work:

    (setq sgml-xml-declaration "/usr/lib/sgml/declaration/xml.dcl")


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