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Re: images in Docbook with Red Hat 6.2

* Eric Bischoff <> wrote:
> The stylesheet themselves have easy ways of determining the
> backend with no help of any shell script (Sam's very first
> message even shows how to do it in DSSSL).

Err, yes. That's right ;-) But from within a shell script you can
configure/request a specific file-format for a given output (as in
preferring PNG over GIF for HTML-output) and then pass this over to jade
and the stylesheets. You have to have all images in this format then,
yes. That's a "Not my problem, get your work done and I do mine" from
DSSSL point of view ;-)

> To summarize :
> We have files that may be GIF, JPEG, PNG, EPS, ... :
> 	flower.jpeg, cactus.gif, flower.eps, cactus.eps
> We have a selected backend (tex, pdf, html, ...) :
> 	html
> We have a filename from the docbook document :
> 	flower
> What would be nice if the stylesheet could say :
> "Well, this is html so I can accept JPG, JPEG, GIF, and PNG.
> The filename is "flower" so I should try "flower.jpg",
> "flower.jpeg", "flower.gif" and "flower.png". Hmmm, only
> "flower.jpeg" exists : I'll take it."

That would be nice indeed. Although one could ask if this is in DSSSL
scope anymore.

> But this would assume we would have a way to know from DSSSL
> whether a file exists or not. Norm said it was impossible.

DSSSL isn't a system programming language, it is for stylesheets. If
this means that you have to have all images in one format, well, convert
them ;-)


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