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Re: rendering

Eric Bischoff <> writes:

> I have one too, I hope someone can help to :
> <authorblurb> isn't rendered at all in HTML. The data simply disappear.
> It's a problem for KDE docs. It lead us to use <affiliation> instead of
> <authorblurb> for putting in an <address><email><ulink>, but it's wrong to do
> like that. At KDE the authors usually put in the doc their own email, not the
> email of some KDE mailbox. So we're breaking the semantics of DocBook, because
> <affiliation> is for the organism you belong to, not for yourself.

You need to add the elements you want to display on the
titlepage. This is defined by "article-titlepage-recto-elements" - you
may do so in your custom stylesheets thusly:

;;titlepage display for articles
(define (article-titlepage-recto-elements)
  (list (normalize "title")
	(normalize "subtitle")
	(normalize "corpauthor")
	(normalize "authorgroup")
	(normalize "author")
	(normalize "releaseinfo")
	(normalize "copyright")
	(normalize "pubdate")
	(normalize "revhistory")
	(normalize "abstract")))


;;titlepage display for books
(define (book-titlepage-recto-elements)
  (list (normalize "title")
	(normalize "subtitle")
	(normalize "corpauthor")
	(normalize "authorgroup")
	(normalize "author")
	(normalize "releaseinfo")
	(normalize "copyright")
	(normalize "pubdate")
	(normalize "revhistory")
	(normalize "abstract")))

Or you can edit dbttlpg.dsl in the /html and /print directories in the
modular stylesheets.



          David Mason
        Red Hat AD Labs

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