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Re: text attributes

Le Tue, 07 Sep 1999, a écrit :
> I understand this. Ok. In my document, I would like that the reader
> take caution of a word. If I was under a word processor, I would set
> the bold attribute on. Here it's something that I would the reader take
> care; like a 'ATTENTION DANGER' message :-)). So what can I use ?? I
> know that I can take a GREAT look to the documentation of DocBook. I
> did this; but nothing appear to my eyes ... (even if I'm a frenchi :-)).
> Idea ?

You're exactly the kind of "client" for reading

There you will find that you need to use a DocBook admonition tag like

     .~.    "Release of Windows 2000 has been
     /V\      postponed until January 1, 1901"
   //   \\
  /(     )\ 
Eric Bischoff -

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