More questions

Ismael Olea
Wed Dec 22 01:03:00 GMT 1999

	Good morning!

	I hope somebody could help me. We have a lot of hurry and we have
relative serious problems:

	- the publisher data (between <publisher> and </publisher> is never
	- does anybody knows if exists a ISO character for the latex character
	- Is dangerous the ugly underline on the contects in the dvi output?
	- Why doesn't be generated the index? Neither db2dvi or db2html works
for this. I have some warnings (remember my texttilde problems) and I
have some references broken. Can they be the cause?

	And the last question: In Spanish, when we write a word or phrase in
another language we represent it with some font effect or between
quotes. Has DocBook any tag for something like this? I've look for it in
the Norm Walsh book but I didn't found anything.

	Thanks in advance for your attention.

	A.Ismael Olea González
	El mundo debe empezar a tener miedo a un planeta DEF

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