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[docbook-apps] Re: Contents of CVS $Id$

> Thanks for the solution. It works but not exactly as I want.
> I put the $Id$ keyword is the releaseinfo of each of the following:
> bookinfo, chapterinfo and sectioninfo (each section is in a separate
> file). However, when I am generating the complete book, the information
> written in the user.footer.content is that of bookinfo (and not of the
> individual files). That is misleading since it looks like all the
> files were modified the same date.

In that case, try "./*/releaseinfo" instead of "//releaseinfo". But make
sure all of book/chapter/section have releaseinfo element. It might be
better adding a case when an element doesn't have a releaseinfo, like:

<xsl:template name="user.footer.content">
  <p class="releaseinfo">
      <xsl:when test="./*/releaseinfo">
        <xsl:value-of select="./*/releaseinfo"/>
        <xsl:message terminate="no">releaseinfo not found</xsl:message>
Yoshihiro Toda
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