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Re: [docbook-apps] Modular document using XInclude with olink entity and xrefstyle attribute

Maybe I should clarify why you have to use an HTML
stylesheet to generate the olink data for FO output.
The information in the olink data file consists of
both the text data, such as titles and numbers, and
the linking information that HTML output needs
(the href attribute).  The same data file can be
used for both print and HTML.  For HTML output, all of
the information is used.  For FO output, only
the text information is used.  If the FO stylesheet
were used to generate the olink data set, it would not
know how to generate the link information needed
on the HTML side.  So when you use the HTML stylesheet
to generate the olink data, it works for both HTML
and FO output.
Bob Stayton
Sagehill Enterprises
DocBook Consulting
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2004 4:33 PM
Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] Modular document using XInclude with olink entity and xrefstyle attribute

Yes, the FO stylesheet doesn't write the olink data
file because it doesn't use templates that can
output multiple files like the HTML templates have.
You have to use the HTML version to generate the data.
Bob Stayton
Sagehill Enterprises
DocBook Consulting
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2004 5:16 AM
Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] Modular document using XInclude with olink entity and xrefstyle attribute

While fixing problem 1 [
1) Inner links do not work in chunked html output (in pdf they do), because they get generated as #id without file.html#id (exception: toc).
Solution: use html/chunk.xsl instead of html/docbook.xsl to generate the targets.
], I discovered a new one:
4) The fo xsl stylesheets don't accept collect.xref.targets parameter, so they are not able to generate targets.
Should I use html/chunk.xsl, html/docbook.xsl or another to generate my targets file to use with fo/docbook.xsl ?
Thank you for any and all help,
----- Original Message -----
From: Geoffrey
Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2004 1:43 PM
Subject: [docbook-apps] Modular document using XInclude with olink entity and xrefstyle attribute

Hi all,
I 've been working on one big book.xml file, which is now modularized using XIncludes to
+ preface.xml
+ chapter1/chapter1.xml
           ++ section1.xml
+ bibliography.xml
I am using XMLlint for XIncludes and Saxon for Xsls.
There are many inner references: olinks because xrefs won't validate per module.
I 've been reading the xsl docbook on sagehill.
Problems (thanks for help on any of these issues):
1) Inner links do not work in chunked html output (in pdf they do), because they get generated as #id without file.html#id (exception: toc).
2) Gentext doesn't work to well for olinks.
2a) xrefstyle doesn't work on olinks, role either (even with the xref use role as xrefstyle xsl parameter).
2b) xreflabel doesn't process %t 
Note: simple adjusting the section template is not really a solution as its only a subset of all olinks that need their text generated different from the section called"%t"
Reference parts:
<!ENTITY bookTarget SYSTEM "./generatedTargets.xml">
    <document targetdoc="booktarget">
<para>In <olink targetdoc="booktarget" targetptr="bibliography"/> you&#39;ll find more
            information on ...</para>
   <bibliography id="bibliography">
Thank you for any and all help,

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