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RE: [docbook-apps] how to get rid of leading/trailing space inverbatim?

On Wed, 3 Sep 2003, Jeanson Mauritz wrote:

> > dang, you're right, and i should have thought of that.  although
> > since i prefer to write it the first way (just for aesthetics),
> > i guess i can redefine the <programlisting> template to remove any
> > initial and final whitespace text node, yes?
> Maybe you could use this suggestion from an earlier discussion on the list:

dang.  and just after i posted to the XSL list for advice on manipulating
white space nodes. :-P

although, taking a quick look at that solution, i'm pretty sure i
would never have come up with it myself.  apparently, that wasn't
as simple a problem as it appeared at first glance.  thanks.


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