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[docbook-apps] Re: [docbook] Image sizing in HTML output

What are you using to convert the document... XSLTproc? I know that there
are extensions for the Java processors that take care of that but I'm not
sure if all the extensions have been ported to Python for use with XSLTproc

----- Original Message -----
From: "Seth Nickell" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2003 21:39
Subject: [docbook] Image sizing in HTML output

> Hi,
> I'm an author of a fairly long document (the GNOME Human Interface
> Guidelines with a lot of images (all
> PNG). Because our images generally represent screenshots, we have
> written a little tool that regenerates them automatically from an
> interface prototyping tool's file format. Thus we have a file per
> chapter that contains most of the screenshots as abstract UI mockups and
> we can run a little command and it generates the PNGs for us.
> The sizes of images change though, and not always in predictable ways
> (i.e. when we actually modify a mockup we expect the PNGs size to
> change). For example, a minor change in the default "theme" of GNOME
> will result in screenshots whose size varies from the previous version
> by several pixels in either dimension.
> The problem is that we've run into serious issues with our HTML output
> if we do not hardcode image sizes in the DocBook source using depth and
> width attributes. If we don't hardcode sizes, relative linking functions
> terribly in most browsers. The browser jumps to a physical location on
> the page, before the images are loaded. Then when the images load, the
> page is much longer and the place you wanted to be is well off the
> screen. This is a sort of embarassing UI problem for set of interface
> guidelines :-)
> Does anyone have a trick or technique for addressing this problem (or
> suggestions of how they would do it)? Right now I'm either going to grin
> and bear it (which means doing a lot of unnecessary work "maintaining"
> sync between PNG sizes and docbook attributes) or write some sort of
> nasty Perl hack that rewrites the HTML output to add in depth and width
> tags.
> thanks!
> -Seth
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