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[docbook-apps] Re: XSL customization

Thanks Bob, you are most helpful!

> * In message <20030427111042 dot A19360 at sco dot com>
> * On the subject of "Re: Re: XSL customization"
> * Sent on Sun, 27 Apr 2003 11:10:42 -0700
> * Honorable Bob Stayton <bobs at sco dot com> writes:
> > 2. I want <literal role="foo">...</literal> to transform to
> >    <tt role="foo">...</tt>.
> <tt role="{ at role}"><xsl:apply-templates/></tt>

great.  why my html output now has
        <tt xmlns="" role="type">
        <i xmlns="";>

since I already have the
        <html xmlns="";>
header, I think those xmlns="" are superfluous.
is there a way to get rid of them?

> <xsl:template match="comment()">
>   <xsl:comment><xsl:value-of select="."/></xsl:comment>
> </xsl:template>

thanks!  it it possible to put each comment on a separate line?
well, I guess, sed(1) can do that...

new stuff:

1. epigraph ::= (attribution?,((formalpara|para|simpara)|literallayout)+)
   xhtml/block.xsl keeps only attribution and para.
   this is probably just a bug...

2. The navigation header lists at most two levels up.
   I would rather have all levels, up the the book title and subtitle.
   E.g., for section, I would like to see

                section title
                section 1.2.3 title
                section 1.2 title
                chapter 1 title
                part title
                book subtitle
                book title

   hmm... :-) on the second thought...

> You might want to get a good XSLT reference to help with some of these
> syntax issues.  I use Micheal Kay's XSLT Programmer's Reference (2nd
> ed.).

is it available on-line?

Sam Steingold ( running RedHat9 GNU/Linux
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