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Re: Re: srcdir/objdir issues and including variableusability issues with xsltproc

On Sat, Mar 08, 2003 at 05:33:03PM -0800, Alex Lancaster wrote:

> LSB (Linux Standard Base) and distro packaging become more precise on

This is moving very far away from my original point. It is not just the
location of the docbook stylesheets I need to deal with, as I have
mentioend already - I must also deal with srcdir vs. objdir issues for
the location of the XML + XSL source files, which is in a different
directory to $cwd when building in such a fashion.

I am not not even providing RPMs ! This issue is totally unrelated

> What I used to do before I could rely on /etc/xml/catalog for Red Hat,
> is that I had my configure script checking for the docbook stylesheets
> and DTDs using some heuristics looking for
> /usr/share/{sgml,xml}/docbook-* type paths, then generated catalog
> entries for the DTD and the stylesheet from my file.  This
> way I keep don't need to have any .in files for my stylesheets and XML
> files, and I can isolate all the substitutions to one file:

Can I get this source somewhere ? (CVS tree + approximate date,
tarballl, whatever ?).

> Can you send me (off-list) a complete (small) self-contained test case
> that demonstrates this problem, and I'll test it on my system.

I'll do this when I do the same for the newer libxslt - thanks.


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