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Re: XInclude doesn't validate with xmllint

On Tue, 03 Dec 2002 07:30:03 -0500
Norman Walsh <> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> / Vitaly Ostanin <> was heard to say:
> | DocBook DTD doesn't support 'xml:base' attribute from
> | XInclude.
> I think we're planning to fix that[1].


> | Yes, this attribute appear to content model, and useful for
> | many of included documents - 'xml:base' could be useful for
> | getting uniq values of 'id', uniq names of images in
> | <graphics> in the all set of documents.
> Base URIs have no bearing on ID values.

ID values used for linking and must be uniq, right?

In modular set of docbook/xml after processing XInclude some
documents may to have duplicates of ID. 

I think what using 
'xml:base' + 'filename' + 'id'
can produce uniq values as result. In this case final
value of 'xml:base' can be calculated also from 'xml:base' of
parent tags (if there exists relative values).

This changes appear 'idref' of <xref/> and <link/>.

For images we have a similar problem - files with images must
have uniq names.

BTW, all html build exist in the one dir (except <sitemap>
of olinking schema from Bab Stayton). 'xml:base' could be useful
for split documents into separate dirs.

Sorry for disturb.


Regards, Vyt

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