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RE: How to use appendixes

>> In short, the <appendix/> tag should be used for things other 
>> than indices, glossaries, bibliographies, etc. If you markup 
>> a glossary inside an appendix, it its the glossary for the 
>> appendix, not for the larger document.
>Well, if I open any nonfiction book from my board, I find exactly those
>things marked as appendix. 

If you look in DTG, the glossary and index are listed after the appendices, but this is a stylesheet issue. You could customize your stylesheet to list them as appendices. From the markup side, however,

has two chapters and an appendix. The glossary and index are for the whole book.


With this markup, the glossary and index are specific to the appendix, which has its own content. That is why you are finding that you need a <para></para> in your appendix. Otherwise the appendix has no content.

Kevin M. Dunn
Professor of Chemistry
Hampden-Sydney College

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