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Re: Changing PDF bookmarks

camille writes:

> Could someone please point me to the customization to change the way PDF
> bookmarks for chapter are generated?


(define ($component-title$)
    (make sequence
      (make paragraph
        font-family-name: %title-font-family%
        font-weight: 'bold
        font-size: (HSIZE 4)
        line-spacing: (* (HSIZE 4) %line-spacing-factor%)
        space-before: (* (HSIZE 4) %head-before-factor%)
        start-indent: 0pt
        first-line-start-indent: 0pt
        quadding: %component-title-quadding%
        heading-level: (if %generate-heading-level% 1 0)
        keep-with-next?: #t

        (if (string=? (element-label) "")
            (literal (gentext-element-name-space (current-node))
;                     ^^^ "Chapter "
;                     ^^^ "1"
                     (gentext-label-title-sep (gi))))
;                     ^^^ ". "

The best solution would probably be to refactor this into a
locale-specific format string for each component type.

Peter Eisentraut

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