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Re: Graphics for navigation links

> Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2000 11:41:46 -0400
> From: Bob Bernstein
> To:
> Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: Graphics for navigation links
> I notice that graphics for 'Home', 'Up', etc. navigation links were included
> in the distribution of the Docbook modular stylesheets. I can't find a hint
> as to how to "turn them on."

I had the same difficulty, so I figured it out.

Try using this as your stylesheet (modify the icon paths).
The second section moves the fast-back and forward links to the outside



<!DOCTYPE style-sheet PUBLIC "-//James Clark//DTD DSSSL Style Sheet//EN"
<!ENTITY docbook.dsl PUBLIC "-//Norman Walsh//DOCUMENT DocBook HTML
Stylesheet//EN" CDATA DSSSL>

<style-specification use="docbook">

;; Turn on fast-forward link generation

(define %gentext-nav-use-ff% #t)

;; ---------------------
;;    Navigation Icons
;; ---------------------
;; Redefine links as graphic icons instead of text
;; (Overrides definitions in common/dbl1en.dsl)

(define (gentext-en-nav-prev prev)
    (make empty-element gi: "IMG"
           attributes: '(("SRC" "../icons/prev.gif")
   ("BORDER" "0")
                        ("ALT" "Prev"))))

(define (gentext-en-nav-prev-sibling prevsib)
    (make empty-element gi: "IMG"
           attributes: '(("SRC" "../icons/fast-bak.gif")
   ("BORDER" "0")
                        ("ALT" "Fast Backward"))))

(define (gentext-en-nav-next-sibling nextsib)
    (make empty-element gi: "IMG"
           attributes: '(("SRC" "../icons/fast-for.gif")
   ("BORDER" "0")
                        ("ALT" "Fast Forward"))))

(define (gentext-en-nav-next next)
    (make empty-element gi: "IMG"
           attributes: '(("SRC" "../icons/next.gif")
   ("BORDER" "0")
                        ("ALT" "Next"))))

(define (gentext-en-nav-up up)
    (make empty-element gi: "IMG"
           attributes: '(("SRC" "../icons/up.gif")
   ("BORDER" "0")
                        ("ALT" "Up"))))

(define (gentext-en-nav-home home)
    (make empty-element gi: "IMG"
           attributes: '(("SRC" "../icons/home.gif")
   ("BORDER" "0")
                        ("ALT" "Home"))))

;;         End of navigation icons section

;; Rearrange navigation header to put bigger jumps at outside edge
;; (Overrides stuff defined in html/dbnavig.dsl)

(define (default-header-nav-tbl-ff elemnode prev next prevsib nextsib)
  (let* ((r1? (nav-banner? elemnode))
  (r1-sosofo (make element gi: "TR"
     (make element gi: "TH"
    attributes: (list
          (list "COLSPAN" "5")
          (list "ALIGN" "center")
          (list "VALIGN" "bottom"))
    (nav-banner elemnode))))
  (r2? (or (not (node-list-empty? prev))
    (not (node-list-empty? next))
    (not (node-list-empty? prevsib))
    (not (node-list-empty? nextsib))
    (nav-context? elemnode)))
  (r2-sosofo (make element gi: "TR"

;; constructs Fast-Backward link

     (make element gi: "TD"
    attributes: (list
          (list "WIDTH" "10%")
          (list "ALIGN" "left")
          (list "VALIGN" "top"))
    (if (node-list-empty? prevsib)
        (make entity-ref name: "nbsp")
        (make element gi: "A"
       attributes: (list
             (list "HREF"
       (gentext-nav-prev-sibling prevsib))))

;; constructs Previous link
     (make element gi: "TD"
    attributes: (list
          (list "WIDTH" "10%")
          (list "ALIGN" "left")
          (list "VALIGN" "top"))
    (if (node-list-empty? prev)
        (make entity-ref name: "nbsp")
        (make element gi: "A"
       attributes: (list
             (list "HREF"
       (gentext-nav-prev prev))))

;; center part: navigation context, title, etc.

     (make element gi: "TD"
    attributes: (list
          (list "WIDTH" "60%")
          (list "ALIGN" "center")
          (list "VALIGN" "bottom"))
    (nav-context elemnode))
;; constructs Next link

     (make element gi: "TD"
    attributes: (list
          (list "WIDTH" "10%")
          (list "ALIGN" "right")
          (list "VALIGN" "top"))
    (if (node-list-empty? next)
        (make entity-ref name: "nbsp")
        (make element gi: "A"
       attributes: (list
             (list "HREF"
       (gentext-nav-next next))))

;; constructs Fast-Forward link

     (make element gi: "TD"
    attributes: (list
          (list "WIDTH" "10%")
          (list "ALIGN" "right")
          (list "VALIGN" "top"))
    (if (node-list-empty? nextsib)
        (make entity-ref name: "nbsp")
        (make element gi: "A"
       attributes: (list
             (list "HREF"
       (gentext-nav-next-sibling nextsib))))
    (if (or r1? r2?)
 (make element gi: "DIV"
       attributes: '(("CLASS" "NAVHEADER"))
   (make element gi: "TABLE"
  attributes: (list
        (list "WIDTH" %gentext-nav-tblwidth%)
        (list "BORDER" "0")
        (list "CELLPADDING" "0")
        (list "CELLSPACING" "0"))
  (if r1? r1-sosofo (empty-sosofo))
  (if r2? r2-sosofo (empty-sosofo)))
   (make empty-element gi: "HR"
  attributes: (list
        (list "ALIGN" "LEFT")
        (list "WIDTH" %gentext-nav-tblwidth%))))



<external-specification id="docbook" document="docbook.dsl">


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