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Re: docbook rtf print table problem

I sent this bug report to Norm a few weeks ago.  Here is his
suggested fix:

> Odd. But fixed. Change (make paragraph...) to (make display-group...) 
> in the title-sosofo and table-sosofo constructions in the top-level 
> processing for the table element.

I tried this fix and it seems to work in most cases, except when you have a
<programlisting> or other content in a table cell in which whitespace
and/or carriage returns are significant.  I suggested to
Norm that he keep the (make paragraph...) and find some way to make
sure that the paragraph is not indented.  We shall see what sort of 
fix finds its way into the next stylesheet release.


At 02:42 PM 6/30/00 +0100, John S. Rhoades wrote:
>I'm having a problem with <table> when generating rtf output. The
>problem is that the current page or paragraph indentation seems to be
>inherited by every table box. This causes too much space to be placed
>between the left rule and start of text in every box. This problem
>does not occur when using <informaltable>, but I need formal tables in
>my document.  I'm viewing and printing the resulting rtf file using MS
>Word. HTML versions of tables come out fine.
>- Windows NT 4.0 SP 3
>- docbook 3.1
>- jade 1.2.1
>- stylesheets 1.54
>- MS Word from Office 97
>Source (table.sgml)
><!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN">
>   <author><firstname>John</><surname>Rhoades</></author>
>   <title>A Simple Table Example</title>
>   <para>Here is a simple table.</>
>   <table>
>      <title>Simple Table</>
>      <tgroup cols="3">
>         <thead>
>            <row>
>               <entry>col 1</> <entry>col 2</> <entry>col 3</>
>            </row>
>         </thead>
>         <tbody>
>            <row>
>               <entry>r1c0</> <entry>r1c1</> <entry>r1c2</>
>            </row>
>            <row>
>               <entry>a</> <entry>b</> <entry>c</>
>            </row>
>         </tbody>
>      </tgroup>
>   </table>
>/s John Rhoades

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