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Re: ImageMagick 'convert' program broken, error in cyggs-9.dll x86_64/release/ghostscript/libgs9/libgs9-9.27-1.tar.xz

Am 13.06.2019 um 12:06 schrieb Massimiliano Alvioli:
I actually run into the same problem: convert is unable to convert eps
files to png files,
right after an update, like a month ago. I updated everything again a
couple of times
since then, but still it does not work. I am running cygwin in windows
10, here are my

uname -a
CYGWIN_NT-10.0 ventress 3.0.7(0.338/5/3) 2019-04-30 18:08 x86_64 Cygwin

Microsoft Windows 10 Professional, 64-bit (build 17763)

and the output of strace on convert.exe is attached.

Any help greatly appreciated, since I've been sending my eps files to
a linux box, running
convert there, and copying files back for quite some time ..

as workaround you can use Graphics Magick "gm convert" for
 the conversion

I will look on why ImageMagick convert is currently broken.

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