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Re: sshd permits logon using disabled user?

On Mon, Jan 28, 2019 at 1:14 PM Bill Stewart <> wrote:

> Thank you. I wanted to point out that I have not had a chance to test
> using a non-domain computer yet. I will try that scenario as well.

Hi Corinna,

I unjoined a Windows 7 machine from the domain and tested as follows:

1. Ran setup and installed cygwin

2. Ran sshd-host-config and answered "no" to install as service

3. Installed service using this command line:

cygrunsrv -I cygsshd -d "Cygwin SSH Service" -p "/usr/sbin/sshd" -a
"-D" -y "tcpip"

4. Renamed cygwin1.dll to a backup name and replaced with copy from
latest snapshot

When I try to start the service, I get error 1067 ("the process
terminated unexpectedly"). Event log states:

cygsshd: PID nnnn: starting service `cygsshd' failed: fork: 11,
Resource temporarily available

If I start bash elevated and run this:

/usr/sbin/sshd -d

It starts and listens on port 22 and I can connect.



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