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Re: Strange errors running gcc tests on Cygwin

On 2017-03-15 10:54, Daniel Santos wrote:
> On 03/13/2017 12:25 PM, Marco Atzeri wrote:
>> The risk of collision is very low on 64 bit. It is higher on 32 bit
>> but as gcc don't depend on other libraries, I don't expect that to
>> happen.

I've seen "won't happen" take from 6 minutes to 6 months *after* going 
into production while passing good, long QA tests ;^>

>> If happens you can rebase in tree before running the tests, 
>> providing the list of new dll to rebase. I used it when I had
>> problem on testing Octave; but Octave dlls with debugging symbols
>> are huge and pull tons of other dlls so the collision was almost
>> sure on 32bit
> I'm not so much concerned about the outcome of an individual run,
> but of test integrity, reliability and repeatability. gcc's
> testsuite should be something you can fire off and forget about until
> it finishes (it current takes about 14 hours 100). A test should
> fail when there's a bug and not when the god of random numbers
> frowns. The possibility of this type of problem means that fewer
> developers are going to be willing to get on Cygwin and so gcc will
> be crappier and tend to break on Cygwin. (This is combined with the
> fact that SO much of DejaGnu & gcc tests are already broken on
> Cygwin). If this is a possible issue at all, it should be managed
> somewhere IN gcc's build process. I've been through a few of weeks of
> BS now and I'm just starting on my 32-bit tests.

Do the local rebase on your build targets as detailed in my question 
to Achim and his response. Rerun after any system change or build.

> I would very much like to be able to come up with an automated 
> process that can be run on a server somewhere under a VM using an
> LVM read/write snapshot, so that the environment can be easily reset
> to a pristine state (i.e., freshly installed Windows & Cygwin) with 
> minimal I/O. If I can solve this problem and the "broken pipe" issue 
> then we might be getting close!

Have you checked the Cygwin BLODA list, uninstalled everything you can, 
disabled all services you're not using, and stopped packages from 
putting "accelerators" in the systray? There are some good web pages 
on disabling services useless to you but not MS ;^> I did this before 
and after W10 upgrades and life is quieter and more productive. YMMV

Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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