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Re: Cygwin 64bits gcc produces erroneous constants with the win32 headers.

On Fri, Apr 15, 2016 at 12:23 PM, Corinna Vinschen
<> wrote:
> On Apr 15 12:05, Nicolas Noble wrote:
>> I originally entered a bug on msys2's bug tracker, but it turns out
>> they only repackage cygwin packages, and I have verified this is an
>> issue on cygwin too, so I am now sending that report here.
>> Original entry:
>> Basically, the 64 bits "gcc-core" and "w32api-headers" cygwin packages
>> aren't really compatible with each others.
> They are not supposed to.  You have to make sure to separate the
> win32 and Cygwin headers carefully.

I'm not sure I am getting that reply. The gcc-core package is only a
compiler, and I am talking about the "gcc" binary contained within.
The example I am showing is technically using only the w32api-headers,
trying to use the win32 api as described here:

>> As far as I understand,
>> this isn't an issue already documented here:
> It's documented in

Right, but that isn't the same thing. I am well aware of the various
issues tied with sizeof(long), otherwise it would have taken me a lot
more time to understand what was going on here. I am talking about the
fact that the cygwin-provided w32api-headers package doesn't properly
work with the cygwin-provided 64 bits gcc. Unless I am mistaken
somewhere, this isn't an issue with the example code. This is an issue
when trying to compile a 64 bits binary that uses the win32 api,
nothing more.

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