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Re: HOME when using both cygwin and cygwin64

Greetings, Eliot Moss!

> Dear Cygwin-ers -- I solicit suggestions around the following.
> For a long time I have used cygwin (32 bit) almost exclusively,
> and in that universe my home directory is /home/moss, which in
> Windows land is C:\cygwin\home\moss.  Now I also have cygwin64
> installed under C:\cygwin64, with another home directory there,
> C:\cygwin64\home\moss.  When I start a 64-bit bash in a 64-bit
> xterm, HOME gets set to /cygdrive/c/cygwin/home/moss.  Does
> this seem right?  It seems counter-intuitive to me -- should
> it not be /home/moss, namely C:\cygwin64\home\moss?  If that
> would be better (I think so), how can I best achieve it?

If you have %HOME% defined in Windows, Cygwin will not redefine it.
Said that, why not use %USERPROFILE% as your $HOME?

With best regards,
Andrey Repin
Friday, February 26, 2016 09:54:48

Sorry for my terrible english...

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