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Re: Mounting a network share

Andrey Repin wrote:
Greetings, Mike Brown!

I'm remotely loggin in to my P box and would lke to mount one of the NAS
Samba shares.  M$ likes to unmount the share after a period of time,
but because it was mounted, the pasword is needed (I hope).

When I try the following:

    mount \\\Public /cygdrive/p
	Got to watch out for the those backslashes:

This seems to work:

mount //ishtar/tmp /tmp/tmnt
mount: defaulting to 'notexec' mount option for speed since native path
      references a remote share.  Use '-f' option to override.
/tmp> df /tmp/tmnt
Filesystem          Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
//ishtar/tmp   12G  8.4G  3.7G  70% /tmp/tmnt

Though I'd likely use 'net use' as others mentioned.

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