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Security Settings for directories created in Cygwin (+ executable bit on files)


Currently, whenever I create new files from Windows 8 executables (such
as Notepad), they're often flagged as "executable", even for text files!

I've noticed that such a behavior happens when I create a new file in
a directory that has been made FROM CYGWIN (`mkdir ~/test/', for

Indeed, the permissions of CYGWIN-CREATED DIRECTORIES seem very weird:

- "Inherited from"... "None"!

- "All Users" having "Read & Execute" permission on "this folder,
  subfolders and FILES"...

IIUC, when creating a new file from Cygwin, the `umask' (022, in my
case) is respected and new files are not executables then, except if
I require it explicitly (via `chmod').

Though, when creating a new file from a Windows executable, Windows
inherits permissions from the folder where my file gets created --
hence, an executable permission if the directory was created from

How to correct that?

Asking Cygwin to stop playing with the Windows ACL, by mounting my
personal directories as "noacl"?  Well, that means I won't be able to
use `chmod' anymore, for setting a script file as "executable", then.
And I'll have to use a Windows tool to do so, such as `cacls'.

Is it really so, the integration of Cygwin permissions within Windows?
Or do I miss something?

Best regards,

Sebastien Vauban

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