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Re: cygcheck -svc segfaults on Windows 8.1 with cygwin64

On 11/19/2013 12:13 PM, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
Why do they have to make such a mess out of a simple function like
GetVersionEx?  It returns different OS version numbers based on the
existence of a manifest in the executable.  How dense is that?

So we have thousands of executables, none of them has a 8.1 manifest.
As a result, the uname() function returns OS versions 6.2 rather than
6.3.  Aaaaaargh.

In cygcheck I added a patch to check dwBuildNumber this morning.  If
it's >= 9200, it's 8.1/2012R2, otherwise 8/2012.  But that doesn't
fix the OS version number of course.  Sigh.

I'm going to tweak the OS version number and I'll do the same in
Cygwin's uname function as well.

Good grief. I suppose I need to add something similar to /usr/lib/csih/winProductName.exe...


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