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Re: fork() and NT error 0xC0000135 (STATUS_DLL_NOT_FOUND)

On 10/29/2013 12:13 PM, Lavrentiev, Anton (NIH/NLM/NCBI) [C] wrote:
Hello All,

I can't find a similar problem reported earlier, so please excuse the question
if it looks familiar.

We have a software package that installs like a miniature CYGWIN deployment
(basically, only cygwin1.dll and just a few other libraries in /bin
along with cygrunsrv.exe), and there are no shells.

cygrunsrv.exe is used to register and launch a Windows service with a binary
located under "/opt/..." (which is a ported UNIX server).  The binary is started
just fine, but when it tries to fork(), it gets the error 0xC0000135 (w/ errno=11,
EAGAIN).  I traced it down to the fact that before fork() there is chdir("/") in
that server binary.  Can it be the reason for the failed fork() that it can no longer
find cygwin1.dll?  Unfortunately, I can't extend Windows PATH to include the
CYGWIN /bin directory (because the cygrunsrv runs under an unmanaged service
account).  Is there any other fix?

I'll go out on a limb and say that all UNIX/POSIX platforms expect /bin
and/or /usr/bin to be in your path if you're not specifying an absolute
path when invoking your binaries.  This is not an unusual expectation
and isn't confined to the UNIX/POSIX world.  There isn't any "fix" that
will be forthcoming in the Cygwin DLL that will change this expectation,
though there may be others on this list that have some clever workarounds
that you could try.



A: Yes.
> Q: Are you sure?
>> A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
>>> Q: Why is top posting annoying in email?

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