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Re: Emacs and DBUS

On 8/20/2010 2:14 PM, Reini Urban wrote:
2010/8/14 Ken Brown<>:
On 8/12/2010 10:36 PM, wrote:
Can the Cygwin Emacs maintainer compile an
Emacs binary (emacs-X11, emacs-nox, etc) with D-BUS?

It appears that the cygdbus-1-3.dll should be able
to be available for Cygwin Emacs support.

Yes, I've just checked that it builds with D-Bus. I'll upload a test release in a few days. BTW, the configure script gives the following warning:

  D-Bus integration has been tested for GNU/Linux only.
So I don't know if it will work.

I added dbus support to clisp, tested it and it works fine. Yaakov also uses it. So dbus on cygwin works fine. It would be nice to have it in emacs also.

It's in the latest (experimental) release. Can you test it and see if it works?


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