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Re: segmentation fault in /sbin/init from sysvinit package under 1.7.1

On Feb 22 11:57, Dr. Volker Zell wrote:
> Hi
> When running the cygwin 1.5 version under 1.7.1 there is a segmentation
> violation showing up
> INIT: version 2.86 booting
> INIT: Entering runlevel: 3
> INIT: no more processes left in this runlevel
> INIT: PANIC: segmentation violation! sleeping for 30 seconds.
> INIT: PANIC: segmentation violation! sleeping for 30 seconds.
> INIT: PANIC: segmentation violation! sleeping for 30 seconds.
> ...
> and the rc.d scripts do not get executed also it seems init is still
> running. Recompiling the sysvinit package under 1.7.1 doesn't help. 
> I tried to debug the situation and the culprit seems to be line 2075 in
> the function call check_init_fifo in init.c:
> main 
> init_main
> check_init_fifo
>   /* Wait for data to appear, _if_ the pipe was opened. */
>   if (pipe_fd >= 0) while(!quit) {
> 	/* Do select, return on EINTR. */
> 	FD_ZERO(&fds);
> 	FD_SET(pipe_fd, &fds);
> 	tv.tv_sec = 5;
> 	tv.tv_usec = 0;
> 	n = select(pipe_fd + 1, &fds, NULL, NULL, &tv);              	<----------- 2075
> 	if (n <= 0) {
> 		if (n == 0 || errno == EINTR) return;
> 		continue;
> 	}
> I'm lost here and would need a little help. init.exe is just one source
> code file. init runs fine under 1.5

Can you please try with the latest developer's snapshot?  Chris has
fixed a few issues with fifos since 1.7.1.


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Project Co-Leader          cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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