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Re: multiple cygwin installs (gold star)

On Thu, Mar 29, 2007 at 12:34:07PM +0100, Phil Betts wrote:
>Any 3PP that forces one to use their (inevitably out of date) version
>of cygwin (and thereby killing the official installation) is IMO broken
>and the issue should be taken up with them.  At the very least, it 
>shows they have such little faith in their own software's robustness 
>that they won't risk it running on an newer version of cygwin.
>Imagine the chaos if ALL software was installed like this.  You might
>end up with 100 different versions of cygwin on your PC, and ProductA
>would never be able to talk to ProductB because they'd need two 
>different sets of registry settings simultaneously.
>I'm sure their justification is that they are reducing support costs 
>by ensuring it's running on a known platform.  Only if their customer 
>support is forced to resolve the problems caused by their installation 
>will they learn that this is a false economy.

Nicely put.  Can I get a gold star over here?


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