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Re: Make open ssh work with PKA on a Windows 2003 server

Again <> - Reformatted

Yohann Rebattu wrote:
Le jeudi 15 février 2007 à 14:00 -0500, Larry Hall (Cygwin) a écrit :
<> - Reformatted

Yohann Rebattu wrote:
 > thank you very much for answering me.
 > i don't trust the other web site anymore about cygwin;
 > i did read openssh.README and reinstall the whole thing
 > the ssh-host-config didn't create sshd_server at the fisrt time, so
 > since i've read the readme i ran cygrunsrv -R sshd
 > and then run ssh-host-config again, this time it works and i got the
 > proper user sshd_server but i got the error message about changing owner
 > of /var/empty, /var/log/sshd.log
 > so as explained in README file, i've tried to rerun ssh-host-config
 > no error message this time.
 > But once i run cygrunsrv -S sshd i get the message win32 error 1069
 > So i had a look in the mailind list, i understood i had to change
 > ownerchip of /var/empty and /var/log/sshd/log to SYSTEM:SYSTEM, but when
 > i try to do it i get invalid user message.
 > i'v tried to gave theses files to sshd or sshd_server (i don't know
 > exactly wich one has to own the files) theses time i didn't get any
 > error message, but still have error when runing the cygrunsrv -S sshd
 > command.
 > What shall i do now?
 > thank you once again.

# net helpmsg 1069

The service did not start due to a login failure.

Sounds like sshd_service isn't allowed to log in. Check its permissions.

Hello again,
sorry to bother you, this this time, fallowing your instruction i could
start ssh daemon, i did try id and it seems to run fine with password
authentification, but as soon as i use the 'ssh-user-config' in order to
use the PKA, i can't login anymore (actualy i can but i'm diconnected
after 1 litle second), here is the end of ssh -vv
Administrateur@localhost after i use the ssh-user-config:


the funny thing is after i delete all id from /home/Administrateur/.ssh/ i can log again with password authentification.

so i did look for log but i couldn't find any AUTH.log in /var/log
nether SyslogFacility in /etc/sshd_config.
(i even try to write SyslogFacility=AUTH in /etc/sshd_config, but
nothing happen).

so do you know why the session closes right after it starts?

Thank you again, for your help

I'd recommend starting the server with debugging enabled and looking at the output there. It's usually more instructive. To do this, I'd recommend stopping your current sshd server, copying /usr/bin/ssh-host-config, and then modifying the copy to install a new server (with a new name) with the added "-d -d -d" (on the cygrunsrv line). Running that will install the debug-enabled sshd server. Starting that server and trying to log in as you describe will generate some log info for you. I'd recommend reading through the sshd man page if you have questions about the options available for this. Also, be aware that you'll need to restart the debug server each time you finish a session.

Larry Hall                    
RFK Partners, Inc.                      (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
216 Dalton Rd.                          (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746


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