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Re: Color Schemes

René Berber wrote:
Richard Lynch wrote:

This may be a generalized Un*x question, but I've been going in circles for
awhile now, and cygwin is the current beast being beaten on.

I like color-coding of ls and vim and man and all that.

But I can't handle the default color scheme. My eyes are too old.

So I changed the colors in cygwin DOS-like shell preferences to black
foreground and white background.
I suspect (and hope) that I've just missed some mind-numbingly simple tool to
change the color scheme system-wide...

Simple alternative: use rxvt.

Rxvt in its default mode appears as black over white, "man man" looks fine
because it doesn't try to use colors (under rxvt) instead it uses bold, "ls"
looks OK but not great, the executables appear as green over white...

I use reverse video (white on black) so I'm not sure if there are other details
with the scheme you are trying to use.

I guess I've become lost in the discussion of this problem and that. I always use cmd.exe with bash. I just change the colors for foreground and background to be what I want by picking "Defaults" from the system menu. I make my background white and my foreground black, click "OK" and I'm set to go. If I see an visual artifacts in any of the tools, I just close the window where I made these changes and open a new one. That seems to reset things just fine. After that, I never have to worry about the colors again. Can't say why if this doesn't just work for others. I've used this approach on multiple machines and I'm always happy with it.

Larry Hall                    
RFK Partners, Inc.                      (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
216 Dalton Rd.                          (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746

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