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chmod -- Setting the sticky bit for/from the current directory

| The following script excerpt explains the problem best:


#   Set the sticky bit and get the ownership & permissions of the
# current dir right

#   Convoluted logic, here of moving up a directory level to change
# the sticky bit on what was the current directory was required by:
#     chmod +t .
# works from the 'bash' command line but not from a 'bash' shell
# script.
#   Same for:
#     chmod +t $PWD

cd ..
chmod -v +t $pwd1
cd $pwd1


Note that the interactive shell as well as the script shell are 'bash', although the
interactive shell is invoked as /bin/bash, rather than /usr/bin/bash.

Is this a feature or a bug? Why? Is it Cygwin-specific, Bash-specific, or what?


intermmittentLee sTicky :-P


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