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Re: Tivoli

Jörg Schaible wrote:

> This is not recommended.
> The cygwin core uses shared memory and it does not matter if you separate the two dlls with paths or rename on or ... two of these dll's will always influence each other - even if it is the same version. As a rule of dumb: Use always the same dll on one machine.
> The only solution would be to build an own cygwin1.dll that is named differently and uses internally another location of the shared memory.

If it were me I'd delete all of them except for the latest 1.5.10, as
the DLL is theoretically backwards compatible so something compiled
against 1.3.x should work with the current but not vice versa.  Or so I
seem to remember reading.  However since cgf has already voiced his
disapproval of us using this list to give free Tivoli support, I suppose
this is now wandering OT ...


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