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Re: fileutils, sh-utils fail to compile due to _tzname, _LIBC undefined

On Tue, Nov 06, 2001 at 03:31:51PM -0500, Peter Buckley wrote:
> Thanks to Chris and Josh, I have gotten a little further- at least in 
> providing info that will hopefully help someone help me along even 
> further. I got "date +%z" to work, it correctly tells me -0500. But 
> "date +%Z" outputs nothing, because it "there is no determinable timezone".
> I got "info date" to work, but I didn't find out how to set the timezone 
>   (%Z). It seems that "date --set=xxx" doesn't affect the timezone.
> AFAICT, I am going to have to write a c file that will call tzset() to 
> set the timezone correctly- best case I do this once, and the timezone 
> stays forever set, worst case I have to include it to compile fileutils 
> and sh-utils (and anything else that relies on time, strftime etc).
> But I am concerned that fileutils and sh-utils actually do compile OOTB 
> for everyone else, and there is some lurking problem with my system that 
> this hack of calling tzset() will only workaround in this case.
> I would appreciate any ideas of what the root problem is, or even a 
> definitive "fileutils and sh-utils will compile OOTB" or "they won't 
> compile OOTB".

I'm pretty sure the root problem is the following part of newlib's
strftime implementation:

	        case 'Z':

You see?  No implementation of the %Z format at all...


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Developer                      
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