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Re: 1.3.3-2: Standard out writes fail after cygwin generated dll loaded

On Sat, Oct 13, 2001 at 04:00:52AM -0700, Aj Lavin wrote:
>I used cygwin 1.3.3-2 under Windows 2000 to create a JNI dll which I
>then loaded in a java Application. 
>When run in a DOS shell, the java Application succeeds in writing to
>standard output up until the point when the dll is loaded. All
>subsequent writes give no output. Also, no errors were reported by the
>Sun JVM 1.3, even with -verbose.
>When run in the Cygwin shell, the java Application works. The
>application continues to write to standard output after the dll is
>I believe this error is related to the report "Standard streams closed
>when g++-produced DLL loaded"
>( which was made
>by lerios at cs dot stanford dot edu.
>All the relevant files are attached.

This is one of those bugs that needs to be tracked down by the person
experiencing the problem.

I'd suggest firing up gdb and seeing what is going wrong.


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