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Re: cd ....

On Thu, Jul 06, 2000 at 11:09:05AM -0700, Bob McGowan wrote:
>There is a difference between the Windows handling of this and what
>bash/cygwin is doing.  Windows cmd (on NT 4.0) appears to ignore the
>request.  The current directory does not change and cd with no args
>gives the same current path as existed before trying the 'cd ...'
>bash/cygwin is "changing" to the specified location, so pwd reports the
>'new' path, as was given in the cd request.  But an ls shows the
>directory contents are the same as for the starting directory, so no
>change has actually happened.
>I also found that this only works one level deep for bash/cygwin:
>    $ cd ..../....
>    bash: cd: ..../....: No such file or directory
>But cmd treats this the same as a single level.
>Are these the expected behaviors?

Sigh.  No.  You're right.  Cygwin shouldn't just silently accept this
and then act as if nothing was typed.

This is probably a recent problem due to the fact that we're caching
the POSIX version of the current working directory.


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