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Re: cygwin emacs failing siletnly

My emacs (x) is still not running at all on my windows XP virtual
machine. cygcheck output from both machines attached.


I have a Windows 7 64 bit computer running a cygwin x server,
completely up-to-date.

On this server I have a Vritual Box Virtual machine running 32 bit
windows XP with cygwin completely up-to-date. The DISPLAY variable is
set to the X server on the windows 7 box.

The problem is that running emacs (typing "emacs" to a bash prompt in
an xterm or in a bash window on the XP VM) on the XP VM fails silently
- no core dumps, no messages, nothing to be found in /var/log.
"emacs-nox" works fine..

This setup was working fine until some time after the end of August (I
update cygwin on each computer weekly).

I installed emacs from cygwin on the Windows 7 computer (after
creating the cygcheck.out) and it runs fine. Linux emacs in Fedora VM
also works fine on the x-server.

I created a second fresh 32-bit virtual machine with windows XP and
installed a fresh cygwin. emacs crashes in the same way there.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Attachment: cygcheck.out.windows7
Description: Binary data

Attachment: cygcheck.out.xp
Description: Binary data

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