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Re: XWin.exe causes Windows apps. to freeze

On 21/11/2011 4:25 PM, Jim Reisert AD1C wrote:
On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 1:20 PM, Ryan Johnson wrote:

Eh? Mouse copy/paste in mintty is identical to xterm AFAIK... select = copy,
middle button = paste. If you're in a mouse-using terminal app you have to
hold down [shift] but that's the same in xterm, I think.
Not on mine it isn't:

* double-click on word  hightlights, but does not copy
* middle button paste does work

In my xterms, I just have to double-click LMB to copy, then MMB pastes.
That's very strange... I can't tell you how many ad-hoc excel graphs I've populated with numbers grabbed by double-click from experiment output. Triple-clicking to get the whole line also comes in handy at times. I just tested again in case it changed since yesterday, and it still works for me.


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