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problem: using putty/brutus and x server

Dear Admin,

After looking around at the web and in your faq I was not able to solve my problem.

cannot connect x server to the gaussian gview function on putty/brutus

I am trying to use X server 1.11

these are the command lines and answers I get in putty/brutus.

  *   module load gaussian (input)
  *   gview (then the file) (input)
  *   gview: exe cannot connect to X server (answer)

I get the same message when Xwin.exe is or is not running.

when starting xwin with the cygwin bash shell
startxwin: XFree86_VT property unexpectedly has 0 items instead of 1

 For me as a beginner with this program I am not sure what is going on.

Im running the program on Win Vista x32

please advice how to solve this problem.

Kind Regards
Italo Sanhueza
ETH Zurich

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