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Re: Resizing problem

On Thu, Jul 15, 2010 at 9:20 PM, Ken Brown <> wrote:

> I should have added that you should see /usr/share/doc/Cygwin/emacs.README
> for more information about that script and the shortcut it creates.
> Ken

make-emacs-shortcut was in /bin. There was nothing in the .../README
about it, though. README talked about a source code compile and
install of Emacs. So what exactly should I do with
make-emacs-shortcut? I clicked on it from WinManager and it did
something, now I get normal bash behavior from the non-X11 console
(e.g. default cygwin console and mintty) when I start emacs no window.
When I start multiwindowed, same good behavior. Will look into PS1
environment stuff. And BTW, thank you very much.

Grand Marais, MN

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