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Re: Graphics not appearing in Gaussview 3

On 09/02/2010 16:17, Jon Rhoad wrote:
I have been using the 1.5 version of cygwin/X installed in Windows XP to connect to a SLES9 server running Gaussview with little problem.  When I upgrade to 1.7 everything works fine except the graphics do not show in the Gaussview windows.  The only e-mail from the archive I found related to Gaussview is:
Dear Sir / Madam,

I need to use GView (a software for molecules visualization
constructed by Gaussian). An error occurs when I use the GView through
cygwin/X. "This error is that the GView appears in my desktop. However,
when I try to display a molecule, no molecule is observed in the window
of GView."

The Gaussian's reply is :

{{{ I see the following line in the setup,

xorg-x11-xwin-gl (761 KiB; optional, the Cygwin/X X Server with
***EXPERIMENTAL*** GLX acceleration)

and the fact that GaussView starts but does not show molecules, which require GLX while the splash screen and the basic dialog windows to not, can be the problem. Can you turn off the experimental GLX acceleration? }}}

How can I do it?


Patrick Pang
There was no reply to this e-mail that I could find.  I am not a programmer, just an end user, so please put any reply in layman's terms.  Thank you.

You are almost certainly not using "experimental GLX acceleration", which is the experimental XWin_GL.exe X server, as that hasn't been included in recent Cygwin/X releases and never in Cygwin 1.7.

So that is probably not the cause of your problem.

Unless you can reproduce your GLX problem with a free application, your best idea is to contact the supplier of the application you have a problem with for support.

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